Friday, 10 June 2016

Battlebus Constituencies part six

Previous parts one, Two, Three, Four and Five

Carrying on

Thornbury & Yate 
Here's the Lunch prepared for the Battlebus troops (photo taken by a Battlebus member)

Mentioned in the Mirrors investigation, Here's a tweet with a picture from there

Now this looks as if it could be a third small coach, judging from is shape compared to the two in the Northern photo of small coaches, I'm not certain, but it's a possibility.

Weaver Vale 
Mentioned in Mirror investigation here's a tweet with a picture
Here's a photo

Westmorland & Lonsdale
 A seat that they failed to take, reported Police Investigation. It is suggested that action is unlikely without a seat win, so this seems to be unlikely to cause problems.

Wolverhampton South West
Here's a tweet from the Campaign

And Finally

That's not to say there aren't more still to be found, Someone may come up with copes of the elusive Brecon & Radnor or Gower photographs with provable dates inside the short campaign period, They may not. There was a website, (Taken down since the election) that was asking for volunteers to go on these Battlebus trips. It had a map asking for volunteers for 117 constituencies on the final days GOTV effort. All of the constituencies mentioned above and earlier are on that map but over half show no signs of help by Bus. Looking at the list of Marginals preceding the election, there are a lot of close seats that you would think deserved help and yet there is no sign so far of a visit.

 So am I confident I have found every site visited? not even slightly. am I convinced I have found all the Buses? once again no If anyone has any suggestions or photos or remembers a bus full of activists arriving feel free to contact me so they can be checked and added.

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