The South West Battlebus had been hard at work in the area providing activists to constituencies to knock on doors and hand out leaflets.
The prospective Prime Minister met up with the bus full of activists, You can see his own bus in the background, and at least one of them filmed it and threw it up on Social Media. Here's a copy (I haven't linked to the original social media post, don't want a group of fools piling on to the individual who posted this)
Note the places Cameron talks about having visited, these are not places that we are interested in. The Cameron Battlebus is something that is rightly part of national expenses. The locations at the end however where this bus is going are interesting, this is campaigning for local candidates so should rightly be declared by them. If the expenses undeclared are added on and that takes the candidate over their limit then according to Election Law this is an "illegal practice" and could result in the Sitting MP being barred from holding public office.
More to come soon